My annual celebration of Landing Day (20 Jul) is coming up, so in that spirit I'm posting a lunar image. Lunar/planetary imaging is not my forté; my equipment is aimed at deep sky work, so I don't really have a long enough focal length to do great solar system imaging. Nevertheless, the other night I was messing around waiting for the sky to get dark and took a few videos of the Moon with my Logitech c270HD camera. The seeing was not great and I had difficulty getting a sharp focus. In the future, I intend to try finding a bright star and using a Bhatinov mask to see if I can do better (but there are at least two big difficulties even with that: the field of view is small with the needed 3x Barlow lens installed and my finder alignment is not perfect and varies a bit as I move around the sky, so it's a bit challenging to get on the star, and the exposures with a webcam are short so the star really does need to be bright). I took several images, but I'm only posting the best one:
Date: 7 Jul 2014
Subject: Clavius, and lunar southern highlands
Scope: AT8IN, 3x Barlow (f/12, 2400 mm)
Mount: CG-5
Guiding: manual
Camera: Logitech C270HD
Acquisition: SharpCap under VMWare
Exposure: 120 s 7 fps
Stacking: PIPP convert to greyscale, Registax 6, automatic alignpoint selection, best 75 frames
Processing: Registax 6 wavelets; StarTools crop, rotate 180°, HDR; CS6 Astronomy Tools Astro Frame
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