I saw a beautiful image of this object on Astrobin a few days ago and decided to try it myself. I agree with the person who posted that image (user 1074j) that this is a beautiful object that is often overlooked because of its proximity to the Lagoon and Trifid nebulas. I'm pretty sure it is part of the same molecular cloud complex so it must be at about the same distance, between 4000 and 5000 light years. It has a nice combination of emission, reflection, and dark nebulae along with lots of stars.
I synched the PicGoto on λ Sag, and the goto was right on. (The zigzag pattern of 4 stars in the leftmost lobe of the nebula in my image is pretty distinctive, making this star field easy to recognize. I look for stuff like that in AstroPlanner's field of view window and match what I'm seeing with the map when I'm trying to frame a shot.) It was a very warm night; the CCD started at 30 °C but 2.5 A through the Peltier cooler got it down to 18 °C. Once again I followed the sky background and general image quality using Deep Sky Stacker Live. There were wind gusts, but they didn't hurt me much because I used a focal reducer to expand my field of view. That meant my image scale was more than 3 arcsec/pixel, and even with the wind I can guide so I don't get motion much more than that.
Date: 22 Jul 2014
Subject: IC 1275
Scope: AT8IN+Antares 0.5x focal reducer
Filter: Baader UHC-S
Mount: CG-5 (Synta motors, PicGoto Simplificado)
Guiding: 9x50 Finder/Guider + DSI Ic + PHD 2.3.0 (Win 7 ASCOM)
Camera: DSI IIc chiller at 2.50 A, 18 °C
Acquisition: Nebulosity 3.2.0, no dither
Exposure: 43x300 s
Stacking: Neb 3, bad pixel map, bias included, normalize first, trans+rot align, 1.5 SD stack.
Processing: StarTools Crop; Wipe:Color & brightness 76%; Develop 80.11%; HDR:Optimize; Color:Scientific, 250%; Deconvolute auto mask 2.5 pix; Life:Moderate; Track RNC 0.98%; Magic:Shrink 1 pix; CS6 Astronomy Tools Increase star color; Healing brush; Smudge tool to remove stacking artifact; Astro Frame.
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