Saturday, December 31, 2016

Review of ASI1600MM-Cool Camera Kit with EFW8 31 mm LRGB, Ha, SII, and OIII filters

My best DSI IIc HαRGB image of IC 405
First light ASI1600MM-cool+EFW+AT8IN image
I have used a Meade DSI IIc for a number of years and have long wanted a cooled monochrome camera with a larger imaging chip. I initially didn’t even consider the ASI1600MM-Cool because it uses a 12-bit CMOS chip which I thought inferior to the 16-bit CCDs. However, several things changed my mind. First and most importantly, I saw a lot of outstanding images on Astrobin that were produced with the ASI1600MM-Cool. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and it is hard to argue with really nice results. Second, as I researched a bit more, I realized that the read noise of this camera is very low, compensating a great deal for the lower bit range. Third, the price for this camera is much lower than for a cooled CCD of comparable size. In addition, while ZWO’s prices are low, the kit looked like a good deal compared to buying the components separately. Finally, High Point Scientific had the kit for $100 less than I could find it anywhere else, so I finally convinced my wife and made the purchase. I ended up with a complete LRGB and narrowband imaging system for less than the price of a CCD camera alone. So even though this kit cost as much as all the rest of my gear put together, I still consider this "cheap," or at least economical, astrophotography.

I received the kit and installed the filters. I chose the 31 mm filters hoping to avoid any vignetting with my 800 mm F/4 AT8IN Imaging Newtonian with an Orion Thin Off-axis Guider (TOAG). The 31 mm unmounted filters are dropped into the filter wheel and held in place via 3 small screws with rubber washers. It took some careful work to install them. I was happy to find that the same wheel is threaded for 1.25” mounted filters, so I put a mounted 1.25” Baader UHC-S filter in the 8th slot. The kit comes with a nice set of adapters and I had no trouble screwing the camera directly onto the filter wheel with the TOAG on top of the filter wheel and some T-spacers to get the right distance from my coma corrector.

Best previous image of IC 410
The biggest snag in setting this system up came with getting the camera and filter wheel to talk with my software. I have a somewhat unusual setup: I use Sequence Generator Pro under Windows 10 on a MacBook Pro running the most recent version of VMWare under MacOS Sierra. After some fumbling, some support from the ZWO users forum, and some trial and error I discovered that VMWare has to be set to USB 2.0 to enable image downloads with my configuration. The system is also sensitive to how things are cabled. Using the USB 3.0 cable that came with the camera coupled with a 20-meter USB 2.0 repeater cable (so I can run the system from my warm living room!) did the trick. I connected the filter wheel through the USB 2.0 hub on the camera and that works fine, but I opted to connect my guide camera (a Meade DSI), mount, and focuser through a separate USB 2.0 powered hub and repeater cable. Since I got things cabled up correctly, everything has worked flawlessly.

ASI1600MM-Cool HαRGB IC 410
The performance of the camera/filter wheel combination has been everything I’d hoped for and more, except I do get some vignetting in the corners with my optical setup, especially with the narrowband filters. I love the much larger field of view and much higher resolution and sensitivity I get with this camera relative to the DSI IIc. The learning curve in switching to monochrome imaging has been steep but fun to climb. So far I have imaged 4 targets, and each image is far superior to the best I could get previously. I’ve used the H-alpha filter in each of these. The L, R, G, B, and H-alpha filters appear to be parfocal; in any event, I have have gotten away without refocusing when changing filters. I haven’t tried the SII or OIII filters yet. My images are posted at 

Some comparisons are shown here, although the size of the images posted here probably doesn't do them justice.

In conclusion, I’m very happy with this camera+filter wheel+filter set combination. I can finally get images with sufficient resolution and quality that I’d consider printing and displaying them. I expect to enjoy this setup for a long time.

Best previous HαRGB Jellyfish
ASI1600MM-Cool HαRGB Jellyfish

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Off-axis Guiding

I’ve wanted to try off-axis guiding ever since I noticed differential flexure becoming really serious in long exposures and in drift of my image center over the course of a run. Off-axis guiders work by using a small prism or mirror to pick off a bit of light coming through the main imaging optics, but outside the field of view of the main imaging camera. This gets sent to the guide camera. I finally decided to get an Orion Thin Off-axis Guider (TOAG) and give this a try. I got an open-box item on Amazon for even less than the relatively modest price these normally carry. I had inferred from everything I’ve read that using an off-axis guider was difficult to set up, but most people who use them wouldn’t go back to using a separate guiding scope. 

It has been difficult to set up; it’s hard to get simultaneous focus on both the imager and the guider, and it is certainly more difficult to find suitable guide stars (although so far there has always been one in the field of view, even if it may not have been as bright or as nicely focused as I would like). On the plus side, I saw the complete elimination of differential flexure, which has plagued me forever. The image doesn’t move around over time, to the extent that hot pixels that would normally have been eliminated by my “auto dither” due to flexure are not removed. Standard deviation stacking in Nebulosity mostly works to eliminate these hot pixels, but similar routines in Deep Sky Stacker seem to more completely take care of this. Maybe I’ll also need to go back to deliberate dithering, which I have not done in several years.

But first, I’ve been having all kinds of problems with connections to my cameras and now the mount failing mid-run. Camera issues I’ve had before, but never issues with the mount connection. I thought maybe this is a result of the MacOS Sierra upgrade I recently did, and sure enough when I checked my power settings I didn’t have things set up to prevent the computer from going to sleep when on the power adapter. I also went into the VMWare/Windows 10 power management settings and turned off power saving for USB devices. Apparently something might have worked, because I got a complete run last night with nothing shutting down.

Last night’s run was also noteworthy in that it was the first try to use my Orion ST80 scope with a focal reducer with the TOAG. I originally set this up with the AT8IN scope and found I didn’t have enough back focus to put the focal reducer on the guide camera (i.e., the focal position with the reducer in place is closer to the mirror than it is possible to get with the TOAG installed. So I measured the distances and found it was possible to put a reducer on the imaging camera and leave the guide camera with no reduction. I tried it and found I was able to reach focus on both cameras simultaneously with that arrangement.  I shot M33 this way, but didn’t get enough subframes to have a really good image because of the disconnection issues mentioned above. All things considered, it isn't too bad.

This is a first-light image of M33 taken using the AT8IN with a focal reducer and an Orion Thin Off-axis Guider without a reducer. The session failed quite early because communications with the mount and both cameras failed. I think now that the computer controlling the session went to sleep. I got quite different colors using Deep Sky Stacker’s 1.5σ κ-σ stacking than I got with Nebulosity 1.5σ standard deviation stacking (this is the Nebulosity version; DSS’ version was more yellow in the core). I guess it’s not terrible given how little data it represents, less than an hour’s total integration. I think the TOAG is helping me get smaller, rounder stars; it certainly keeps the image center from drifting over time.

Date: 3 Nov 2016
Subject: M33, Triangulum Pinwheel Galaxy
Scope: AT8IN +Antares 0.5x focal reducer
Filter: Baader Planetarium Fringe Killer
Mount: EQ-6 (EQMOD)+PEC
Guiding: Orion TOAG +DSI Ic+PHD (Win 10 ASCOM)
Camera: DSI IIc, no chiller CCD ~10 °C
Acquisition: Sequence Generator Pro with Nebulosity 4.1.1 ASCOM camera driver (Win 10)
Exposure: 11x300 s (RGB)
Stacking: Neb 4.1.1, bad pixel map, bias included, 33 flats, match histograms, trans+rot align, Nebulosity 1.5σ standard deviation stacking.
Processing: StarTools 1.4.316: Crop; Wipe; Develop: 50.67%; HDR:Optimize; Color:Scientific, 363% saturation; Deconvolute: 2.5 pix; Track: Smoothness 75%, 4.5 pix; Magic, shrink 1 pix. Photoshop CS6 + Astronomy Tools: a little Levels to darken background; Increase star color; Astroframe.

For this approach to be viable, it has to work on the ST80 as well; I can't hunt for proper position of the TOAG pickoff prism every time I change scopes. I found I could remove the 2” nosepiece from the TOAG assembly and replace it with the T-thread adapter for the ST80, which also allows me to set whatever rotation angle I want. This gave me plenty of back focus, so it looks like I’ll be able to move the camera, with the focal reducer inserted, back and forth between the AT8IN and the ST80 without having to reset the focal distance by moving the pickoff prism. This looked good enough that I pulled the ST80 off the top of the AT8IN (where it has resided for nearly all of the last year) and just put the ST80 by itself on the mount. This will also save weight for the AT8IN, I’m hoping enough that I can either get rid of the extension bar or use 1 weight instead of 2, but I haven’t tried that yet. I decided to use the Pleiades as my test subject because that target would take advantage of the wide field of view this setup provides. I had a terrible time getting plate solves to work, but pleasantly once I decided to use Sequence Generator Pro's blind solve failover I got a successful plate solve and was able to find and center. Unfortunately the rotation angle I used wasn’t optimum (I managed to leave out Pleione), but at least I got a complete run. This image needed liberal application of the filter tool in StarTools to get rid of nasty purple fringes around most of the stars (because the ST80 optics are far from apochromatic!).

I decided to use the Pleiades as my test subject for use of the ST80+FR+TOAG combination because that target would take advantage of the wide field of view this setup provides.  

Date: 6 Nov 2016
Subject: M45, The Pleiades
Scope: Orion ST80+Antares 0.5x focal reducer
Filter: Baader Planetarium Fringe Killer
Mount: EQ-6 (EQMOD)+PEC
Guiding: Orion TOAG +DSI Ic+PHD (Win 10 ASCOM)
Camera: DSI IIc, no chiller CCD ~10 °C
Acquisition: Sequence Generator Pro with Nebulosity 4.1.1 ASCOM camera driver (Win 10)
Exposure: 55x300 s (RGB)
Stacking: Neb 4.1.1, bad pixel map, bias included, 33 flats, match histograms, trans+rot align, Nebulosity 1.5σ standard deviation stack.
Processing: StarTools 1.4.316: Crop; Wipe; Develop: 72.65%; HDR:Optimize; Color:Scientific, 200% saturation, red bias reduce 1.09; Deconvolute: 2.2 pix; Track: Smoothness 75%, 4.5 pix; Filter: Fringe Killer (repeated); Magic, shrink 1 pix. Photoshop CS6 + Astronomy Tools: a little clone stamp and smudge here and there; Increase star color; Astroframe.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Home-built Focus Motor Success!

This is a follow-up to my earlier post about putting together a home-built Arduino-controlled stepper-based absolute focus controller. As our last episode closed, I had determined (with the help of Robert Brown, the developer of the MyFocuser Pro system) that my original DRV8825 motor controller and LCD board were both bad, and was waiting for replacements to arrive on the slow boat from China. Both came shortly thereafter, so I unsoldered the bad DRV8825 and replaced it with a good one, and voila! The stepper motor began moving the way it was supposed to. Wiring on the new LCD produced a similar result: the new one works great. 

Next I had to put together a bracket to mount the stepper motor on my focuser via a flexible shaft coupler. I don’t really have the right tools for the job, so this was messy, but with a power drill and a file I slopped something together that works. 
Stepper motor mounted on focuser via flexible shaft coupler
Control box for the focuser. "In" and "out" buttons are on the front, and power and programming switches are on top. The USB connector is on the bottom, and the temperature sensor and power both plug in on the right. The connector for the stepper motor is the D-sub connector on the left of the image.

I followed Robert Brown’s instructions to install the Windows control software and the ASCOM driver, and for calibrating the motor control. The focus motor performs quite well and positioning looks to be very reproducible. Unfortunately, the focusing algorithm in Sequence Generator Pro wasn't up to the task for automatic focusing, but I learned this is a known issue (problems with scopes that have a central obstruction, like my Newtonian) that has  been addressed in the 2.5.1 beta, so I downloaded that. The focus motor and the Sequence Generator Pro focusing algorithm both worked very well, so I’m now able to perform temperature-compensated automatic focusing throughout a run. I also added a cheap gamepad controlled through EQMOD to move my mount around without having to carry my laptop out to my scope (complete instructions for doing this are on the EQMOD web site). That makes lining up on a sync star really easy. 
Gamepad for mount control.

Finally, I put my old Orion Accufocus DC focus motor controlled through a Shoestring FCUSB on my ST-80 guide scope, so now I can remotely focus both the ST-80 and the AT8IN. The total cost for everything for the new focus motor and controller was less than $100 even after my fumbling around and less-than-fully-efficient purchasing, a lot less expensive than the cheapest commercial system I could find (more than $400), so I’m really  happy with how all this turned out. If I were to do it again, I probably would not have bothered with putting manual pushbutton controls on the focuser box nor with the LCD. I use the computer to control the focuser and never use either the manual buttons or the LCD display (but the display does look cool, and didn’t cost very much).
First use of MyFocuser Pro.
An autofocused image using MyFocuser Pro to update focus during the run.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Adventures in Building a Stepper-based Autofocuser

Sequence Generator Pro has many powerful capabilities for automating the process of capturing images. One of these is the ability to use a motorized focuser to automatically focus based on the apparent sizes of the star images. This is important because the focal position can shift significantly during a session, especially if the temperature is changing and the optical tube undergoes thermal expansion or contraction. Fortunately, here in Utah the temperature usually remains pretty stable at night once the sun goes down, but this is not always the case. So until now I have tended to focus at the beginning of my session, perhaps refocus before going to bed, and then just take my chances. Obviously it would be better to refocus periodically, especially if the temperature is changing. SGP has the capability to do that if you have hardware that is supported.

When I first began using SGP, I attempted to autofocus with the Orion Accufocus + Shoestring Astronomy FCUSB controller I have used for a long time. While this system works fine for remote, manual focusing, this is a DC focus motor with some hysteresis, meaning that focus positions are not terribly reproducible. Shoestring has an ASCOM driver with an option to mimic an absolute position-capable focuser (which a DC focuser is not, but can sometimes approximate if well adjusted). I guess some people have been able to make that work, but I couldn’t successfully do automatic focusing with the DC motor, and in fact when I tried I tended to make my focus a lot worse.

So I looked into stepper motor driven autofocus systems. In contrast to DC motor-based systems, stepper-based systems retain absolute focus positions so can repeatedly return to the same focal distance (within limits, of course). Commercial stepper-based systems tend to be relatively expensive, however; the least expensive systems I found in online searching cost more than $400.

Googling also found a “do-it-yourself” solution, MyFocuserPro, developed by Robert Brown in New Zealand and posted on SourceForge as "Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro DIY." This system is controlled by an Arduino Nano, which has an on-board USB port to talk with the computer that controls the session. This project was attractive to me because it looked considerably easier to do than the PicGoto I had already done, and because it comes complete with a Windows-based control application and most importantly, ASCOM drivers that would allow me to use it with Sequence Generator Pro or other control software. On the other hand, I am a complete novice to Arduino-controlled systems and went into this not even knowing how to load code into an Arduino. 

One of the difficulties with this project is that it comes with a huge range of options in Arduinos, motor controllers, stepper motors, wifi vs. Bluetooth vs. IR vs. USB, etc. Frankly, it was pretty confusing. So deciding on which options I wanted was a big issue. I initially decided to go with the recommended “HW203_DRV8825” option, which uses an Arduino Nano and a DRV8825 motor power board and a high-torque, extensive microstep-capable NEMA17-PG27 stepper motor. Because I have experience with vero board and none with making my own printed circuit boards, I decided to go the vero board route. I wanted a temperature probe so I could refocus when the temperature changes, but didn’t care about an LCD display too much, so I decided to build the “minimal” option + temperature probe.

I started ordering parts, mostly from Ebay and mostly coming from China. I rounded it out with a bunch of parts from Mouser. It is simply amazing what you can get in electronic parts for very little money. More than half the total cost was for the stepper motor, and the whole thing adds up to less than $100 (and I could have done better, had I been a little more careful). As I started assembling things, I realized I really would need pushbuttons to focus at the scope, and before long I had ordered the rest of the parts for the “Full” option with pushbuttons and an LCD display.

The board was pretty straightforward to assemble, but I made a few mistakes. One of these involved forgetting one trace cut on the vero board, which left the “receive” pin on the Arduino shorted to ground. Needless to say, when I powered it up I couldn’t talk to the Arduino! I also tried to use a 5 V LED in a place where a 12 V LED was called for, and I discovered that 5 V LEDs burn out under those conditions.

Then I loaded up the Arduino programming environment and started testing, and started having problems. As I mentioned above, at first I couldn’t even talk to the Arduino. I thought maybe that was because I was trying to program from Mac OSX El Capitan and there are apparently known problems running Arduinos under the El Capitan operating system. So I loaded the Windows software in my Windows 7 VMWare virtual machine and had the same problems. That's when I discovered the forgotten trace cut. Once that was sorted out, the LED/pushbutton test worked and the test of the temperature probe worked, but I could never get the stepper to move or get any characters on the LCD. After fumbling around and not getting anywhere, I eventually decided to go on the SourceForge discussion group and start asking questions.

This is when I discovered another wonderful thing about the MyFocuser Pro project: Robert Brown gives absolutely phenomenal support! He has patiently walked me through troubleshooting that has established that the DRV8825 board and the LCD are both bad (I probably damaged the DRV8825 in my initial fumbling around, and the LCD came with a short on the board that fried it, so I guess in a sense it was defective from the beginning). But these parts are so cheap that there is essentially no risk (at least if you are patient). I finally have the Windows application talking to my board and reading temperatures, but still can’t move the motor (because the motor board is dead). I have now mounted my parts in a project box and am waiting for the new DRV8825 and LCD components to arrive on the slow boat from China. I’m confident that with Robert’s help I’ll soon have this thing working. I’ll post pictures once I get it all going (but be forewarned that my “fit and finish” are not too pretty!).

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Stepping Up to the EQ-6 and Sequence Generator Pro

I have known since pretty early in my astrophotography adventure that the single most important component of your equipment is your mount. When I got my old, used, no-go-to CG5 mount, it was a huge step up for me. My AT8IN scope is really too heavy for the CG5, but taking steps to minimize the weight (like using a finder/guider) and begin careful about balance I could usually make it work and get reasonable results. However, I’ve long had a desire to get a better mount (along with a desire to get a cooled monochrome camera). Neither of those exactly fits with the “cheap astrophotography” theme, but then this hobby is known for growing on people and subconsciously inducing them to spend money. Back in November I became aware that Skywatcher USA was putting their EQ-6 mount on sale for a pretty good price. That’s one of the mounts I’ve been quite interested in for a long time, particularly because it is supported by the EQMOD project, an open-source mount control software project that greatly extends the capabilities of the mount. So I bit and ordered one right after Thanksgiving when Black Friday prices made the deal even better. It arrived a couple of days later. I was immediately impressed with how solid and massive and finished the EQ-6 looked. I unboxed it and put the mount head on the tripod, then hunkered down to finish the semester and get ready for Christmas. I didn’t have time to play with it until after Christmas, but I ordered an EQDIR cable for direct computer control, downloaded EQMOD and EQASCOM, and built a Windows 10 virtual machine from which to run everything. That last turned out to be a bust, because I couldn’t get the Meade DSI drivers to work under Windows 10, so I fell back to my Windows 7 virtual machine. 

Finally I got a chance to try out the new mount the day after Christmas, with all my optical gear loaded on it (AT8IN with ST-80 refractor on top with the finder/guider on that and the Quantaray zoom lens bolted to the ST-80 rings). I got all the scopes and the Telrad aligned on a mountaintop through the living room window. This mount is pretty heavy to lug outside, but I can just manage with the counterweights removed. This optical stack also is a bit unwieldy. Anyway, I used a bullet level to set the mount’s home position, got polar aligned, and used Cartes du Ciel with the EQASCOM driver to start pointing the mount. It is wonderful to be able to do fast slews. I first went to Capella and it was within the field of view without doing any alignment. I slewed around and synched on 5 or six stars in various parts of the sky, then decided to do a Hα image of the Crab Nebula (the Moon was only 1 day past full). The tracking performance of the EQ-6, even prior to any periodic error training or correction, was much superior to what I’d been getting with the CG5. The resulting image is one of the sharpest I’ve ever taken, far superior to any of my prior Crab Nebula images.
 I haven’t applied any PEC yet, but the guiding performance was far superior to what I’ve been seeing with my old CG-5. I have a lot to learn about how to best use this mount, but I’m really impressed so far. The main thing that went wrong on this image was the remote focuser failed (I suspect a loose linkage or bad connection, but haven't had time to troubleshoot yet).

Date: 26 Dec 2015
Subject: M1, Crab Nebula
Scope: AT8IN 
Filter: Baader 7 nm Hα
Mount: EQ-6 (EQMOD)
Guiding: 9x50 mm finder/guider + DSI Ic + PHD (Win 7 ASCOM)
Camera: DSI IIc, no chiller CCD -10 °C
Acquisition: Nebulosity 4.0.4, no dither
Exposure: 46x600 s
Stacking: Neb 4, bad pixel map, bias included, 33 flats, extract R channel, match histograms, square, trans+rot align, 40-60-tile stack, Catmull-Rom spline 2x resize
Processing: StarTools 1.4.305 + CS6 Astronomy Tools: Crop; Wipe; Develop: 84.75%; HDR: Optimize; Deconvolute: 3.5 pix; Track: Smoothness 88%, 4.5 pix; Levels; Astroframe.  
I used RGB data from 19 Dec 2012 and 21 Nov 2014, combined with Hα from 26 Dec 2015, to make this image. I played around with processing a bit. I healed out the stars from the Hα and combined the starless Hα with the R channel from the RGB, using a layer mask so it has the RGB data for the stars but Hα for the nebula. I used this to replace the RGB R channel, and boosted the R channel a bit using the channel mixer. I also used the Hα as luminosity for the whole image. This mostly was done to address the “blue star” problem I usually have with these images. I’ve still got a little of that close to the nebula but it’s better than before, and I have far more structure within the nebula than I’ve ever gotten with RGB alone.

After posting this image and mentioning that I was using a new mount, several Astrobin users mentioned that I should give Sequence Generator Pro a try. I downloaded it and started the 45-day free trial the next day. The first night out with it, I seriously underestimated what it would take to set it up and couldn’t get anything to work right so I fell back to just taking an image using my old Nebulosity workflow. I imaged up to the meridian, where the mount’s meridian limit kicked in and stopped the tracking, then performed a meridian flip, reacquired, and restarted imaging. I set the EQASCOM timer to park the mount just after my target set and went to bed. I woke up in the morning to find the mount nicely parked. It is really nice not to have to worry about it bumping. I also decided to reconfigure my optical stack, so I just put the ST-80 on top of the AT8IN to use as a guide scope, which is what I originally intended when I bought the ST-80. I have the finder/guider and the Quantaray lens mounted on a separate dovetail bar so I can use them on the new mount too.

I decided I needed to work a bit harder to get Sequence Generator Pro up and running. I looked at the excellent “First Week with Sequence Generator Pro” tutorial (, which was a big help. One of the challenges to using SGP, which I thought might be a deal-breaker, is that it doesn’t support the Meade DSI cameras. However, I was able to work around that by using Nebulosity to control the camera and invoking the Nebulosity 4 ASCOM camera driver from within SGP. I also downloaded the free PlateSolve2 software from PlaneWave to use as a plate solver with SGP. I got the camera working, then got plate solving working, then tried a test automated meridian flip using SGP. This was simply amazing! You start by unparking the mount and then either giving the target coordinates to SGP or controlling a goto from Cartes du Ciel. SGP takes an image after reaching the target coordinates and by plate solving automatically aims the camera to within a fraction of an arc second of the target. It then starts your previously-calibrated guiding program (PHD2 in my case) and commences taking images. It will also use your motorized focuser to automatically focus using half-flux radii measured for multiple stars in your field of view, but I don’t have that working yet. When the mount reaches the meridian, SGP shuts off guiding, performs the meridian flip, takes an image and uses the plate solver to again center on your target to within a fraction of an arc second, turns the guider back on, and continues imaging for the preset time, then parks the mount. These are truly amazing capabilities, well worth the $100 cost, which I plan to pay as my free trial ends. Conditions on the night I got all this going were terrible, with lots of gusty wind. It was the kind of night I normally wouldn’t even have tried to image, but with this much more massive mount I was actually able to get decent data. So in case you can’t tell, I’m thrilled with the new mount.