Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kaput Computer Woes

I've been out for a couple of attempted sessions recently, but without any success. I think I mentioned in my last post that my laptop bit the dust. Somehow, I was able to get an old Core 2 Duo laptop running VMWare/Windows 7 to run the session that led to images of Comet Jacques and the Helix Nebula, but I have not been able to repeat that feat despite a lot of trying with two different computers and even using both of them simultaneously (one to run my imaging camera and the other to run the mount and guiding). Both these computers share two problems: each has "only" 4 Gb of RAM (and VMWare is a big-time RAM hog) and both have relatively slow USB (it says "high speed USB", which probably means USB 2.0). I suspect the RAM is the real issue, because I can run my cameras fine if I use the Mac version of Nebulosity. Unfortunately, I have to have Windows to run my PicGoto mount control, and despite numerous reboots with different combinations of settings I have not been able to run the PicGoto and the guider reliably at the same time. So I'm waiting for my new replacement laptop to get here. Hurry up, Apple!

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